- changed my phone to i5s last week, and dropped once to the floor yesterday wtf.
- discovered the best salmon fried rice.
- watched 'Mokissu', the weirdest, ugliest and wtf-est movie i've ever watched.
- watched 'Non-Stop', first time being so so nervous while watching and desperate to know who the bad guy is.
- pierced for the second time.
- my uncle passed away.
- found a close friend who is going to INTI college with me!
- feeling nervous and scared but also excited for school, oh i mean college. which is gonna start next month.
- wanted to eat that KFC Zinger Reloaded so so badly.
top left : 500 days with my lithium! top right : oh yeah trying out i5s camera yow.
middle left : oh nothing, just a picture with my little devil. middle right : bukit padang sesh with sherry!
bottom : yumz yumz takoyakis.