Monday, February 29, 2016

short update!

neglected this place for a month and i think it's time to do some necessary updates before everyone think that i'm dead lol. got back to Malaysia for a month during my winter break as stated in previous blogspots. had so, so much fun and quality time together with family and friends. i don't even remember what had i done the whole time other than endless hangouts with everyone! filmed some videos and will start editing as soon as i'm done with the dramas i'm watching recently, heh. didn't update at all because theres something wrong with my computer and i finally updated it to the newest version, and also i barely had time staying in my room so might as well have no time for blogging. oops.

my plane landed in Taiyuan airport on the 24th and stopped for two nights to hang out with Sherry, and also to visit her new school for the next 6 months! ate so much good food and even made a song for it hahaha. we'll be hanging out quite a lot for the next 6 months and i'm really happy and am looking forward for everything.

being really unhealthy for these 3 days eating mainly instant noodles, microwave food and fast food because ain't people got money for healthy food. going to start my carbless challenge all over again with Sherry starting tomorrow!

will update as much as possible just like how i did before going back to Malaysia!